Birds of Pambujan, Northern Samar, Philippines - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday, 14 March 2019

Birds of Pambujan, Northern Samar, Philippines

This assessment was specifically carried out to identify the avian species present in the study area, describe its distribution, determine its frequency, ascertain their conservation status, and enumerate the anthropogenic factors that influence their presence in the sampling sites. In each of the five barangays, representing different habitat types, a 1 kilometer trail was established and visited twice a day until the species accumulation asymptote was reached. During each visit, photographic images of the avian species present were taken for documentation and identification purposes. There were 27 species of birds, belonging to 17 families, present in the sampling sites. Of these species, Passer montanus, Artamus leucorhynchus, and Hirundo tahitica were the most frequently sighted. On the other hand, Bulbopsittacus lunulatus was the least frequently observed bird. Majority of the birds inhabited the forest area, while others were found along riverbanks, in grasslands, and along the coasts. Except for Ceyx melanurus, which is listed as â€Å“vulnerable”, all other species were categorized as â€Å“least concern” under the IUCN Guidelines. Swidden agriculture slash and burn or kaingin and hunting for food and the pet trade affect the presence of birds in the sampling sites. Although there are still a number of species present, it is imperative that adequate protection and conservation measures are adopted and strictly implemented by the local government units. 

by Joseph L. Lucban, Jr. | Abel Alejandro U. Flores, Jr. "Birds of Pambujan, Northern Samar, Philippines"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019,


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call for paper mathematics, mathematics journal, ugc approved journals in mathemetics

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