An Autonomous UAV for Pesticide Spraying - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Friday, 29 March 2019

An Autonomous UAV for Pesticide Spraying

The use of pesticides in agriculture is essential to maintain the quality of large scale production. The spraying of these products by using aircraft speeds up the process and prevents compacting of the soil. However, adverse weather conditions e.g. the speed and direction of the wind can impair the effectiveness of the spraying of pesticides in a target crop field. Thus, there is a risk that the pesticide can drift to neighboring crop fields. It is believed that a large amount of all the pesticide used in the world drifts outside of the target crop field and only a small amount is effective in controlling pests. However, with increased precision in the spraying, it is possible to reduce the amount of pesticide used and improve the quality of agricultural products as well as mitigate the risk of environmental damage. In the past several years, UAV has been extensively used in agriculture. However, the efficiency is still not as high as desired and the phenomenon of pesticide pollution is still existing. This is mainly because of the following two problems 1 the autonomy of most existing UAV system is still very limited. Actually, most of them are still operated through remote controlling. 2 the UAVs operating precision is not high enough due to the low accuracy flight control near the plants. The paper presents combination of new approaches and technologies in modern day agriculture. Perspectives and benefits of usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in different spheres of agriculture considered on the base of spraying drone project called â€Å“AeroDrone”. 

by Kislaya Anand | Goutam R. "An Autonomous UAV for Pesticide Spraying"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019,


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