Application of Modern Security Devices in Senior Secondary Schools A Tool for Addressing Safety Schools Management under Insurgency - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Application of Modern Security Devices in Senior Secondary Schools A Tool for Addressing Safety Schools Management under Insurgency

This article focused attention on the application of modern security devices in senior secondary schools, as a strategy for reducing insurgent attacks in educational institutions in Nigeria. The study gave reference to the Northeast, where the Jamaatul Ahlil Sunnah Liddaawati Wal Jihad popularly known as Boko Haram are terrorizing the population, destruction of school buildings and sometimes abduction of school students especially female students. Learning environments need constant protection from both internal and external threats to avoid loss of lives and properties. A safe school environment is free from physical or psychological harm. Therefore, the article emphasized the need to apply modern security devices, such as Closed Circuit Television, Scan Cards, Buzzer System, Surveillance Camera, Tracking Device, Intercom, and Computer, among others. These should be part of schools operation in order to reduce the rate of attacks and delay the actions intended by the insurgents. The paper also highlighted the factors determining school location, types of security devices needed were also discussed, guiding principles in planning safe schools, and challenges to the planning. It also recommended that government should increase the allocation of funds in education sector, to enable the provision of security gadgets, constant training and regular supervision to ensure the conditions of these devices for safety and educational development. The article concludes that, modern security devices are neglected in most of Nigerian educational institutions of learning especially in Northeastern State where Boko Haram engaged in killing students, destroying schools and abduction of school students. 

by Ibrahim Mohammed | Mohammed Goni Isa "Application of Modern Security Devices in Senior Secondary Schools: A Tool for Addressing Safety Schools Management under Insurgency"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-2 , February 2019,


Paper URL:

call for paper chemistry, chemistry journal, open access journal of chemistry

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