Responsibilities and Qualities of a Supervisor - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Friday, 5 October 2018

Responsibilities and Qualities of a Supervisor

Research plays a major role in all-round development of an individual. A supervisor is the key person in research. The principal role of the supervisor is to help students achieve their scholastic potential and to chair the student's Supervisory Committee. The Supervisor will provide reasonable commitment, accessibility, professionalism, stimulation, guidance, respect and consistent encouragement to the student. 

A supervisor assists the student with the selection and planning of a suitable and manageable research topic and is sufficiently familiar with the field of research to provide guidance and or has a willingness to gain that familiarity before agreeing to act as a supervisor. The qualities of a supervisor are good communication. Ideal supervisors have good communication skills. In particular good listening skills the tendency to maintain an open dialogue about the project, its progress and problems the ability to communicate in an open, honest, and fair manner about issues that arise as they arise. 

A Successful supervisor knows what is going on in their organization. He has knowledge about objectives and plans, their product, organizational hierarchy etc. It is necessary for him to store all this information otherwise they will not know where to look for information about all these matters. 

by Dr. K. Usha Rani "Responsibilities and Qualities of a Supervisor" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018, 


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