The main issue in WSN is energy limited characteristic of the sensor node. So the problem is to have the routing protocol in such the manner that it should be energy efficient in order to increase the life time of the whole WSN. Hierarchical routing architecture divides the whole network in to a group of cluster and only cluster head is responsible to forwarding the data to base station directly or via other cluster heads. In location based architecture of routing, localization of the sensor node is to be used to compute the path to the sensed data.
During the creation of network topology, the process of setting up routes in WSNs is usually influenced by energy considerations, because the power consumption of a wireless link is proportional to square or even higher order of the distance between the sender and the receiver. Hierarchical routing can be centralized or non- centralized. In non-centralized hierarchical routing, the sensor nodes self-configures for the cluster head on the basis of selecting a random number. They don't consider the case of residual energy.
But in centralized routing the base station is responsible to create cluster. In hierarchical routing architecture, sensor nodes self-configure themselves for the formation of cluster heads. In this paper, we have studied different types of hierarchical routing protocols for wireless sensor networks.
by Diksha Pandita | Ravi Kumar Malik "A Survey on Clustered and Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018,
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