Innovative Investment Pattern on Peer 2 Peer Transaction of Bit Coin-An E-Wallet - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday, 19 July 2018

Innovative Investment Pattern on Peer 2 Peer Transaction of Bit Coin-An E-Wallet

An E-wallet bases on peer to peer transaction which allows the online transaction directly from payer to payee without the help of any financial institution. The reason behind avoiding third party is lack of trust and the malpractices happens nowadays especially a country like India annexing everything with aadhar and making the confidential matters of every individual is transparent to all over the country which costs extra spending too. The important decision is symbolize by the longest chain, which has the furthermost proof-of-work attempt invested in it. 

Basically the contract will be made in the particular transaction cost and the same will be protected with the transaction at a low priority and thus the confirmation will be made rapidly. But the chain based proof of work gives sequential witnesses to a largest pool of work. This can be initiated with a minimal amount of networking systems which are cost effective and easy to maintain on all kinds of transactions. Considering this passive investment strategy in which the investors can purchase and hold this for a longer period of time. The fluctuation with the market experiencing is known for holding in the Bit coin, in which the investor will create the trend in the booming market always. 

By Mrs. Keerthi. B. S | Dr. N. Selva Kumar" Innovative Investment Pattern on Peer 2 Peer Transaction of Bit Coin-An E-Wallet" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,

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