Determining the Concentration of Pollutant in Vizag Steel Plant - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday, 5 July 2018

Determining the Concentration of Pollutant in Vizag Steel Plant

The increase in the demand of steel has led to the increase in production of steel which results in the increase in the discharge of pollutant in the air. Which pollute the air causing harm to the comfort or health of humans and animals, or could damage plants and materials. 

This study process aims on monitoring the concentration of pollutants being expelled in the ambient air from the chimneys of vizag steel plant, which is situated in Visakhapatnam. The various air pollutants taken in consideration includes PM10, NOx and Sox. After analysis, the maximum concentration of PM10 is 135. 88µgm3, NOx is 25.36 µgm3, SOx is 17.69 µgm3. The mean concentration of PM10 is 114.94µgm3, NOx is 17.06 µgm3, SOx is 13.00 µgm3. 

By Dr. Shashikant R. Mise | Syed Mukaseer Azer" Determining the Concentration of Pollutant in Vizag Steel Plant" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,

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international journals in engineering, ugc approved journals for engineering, open access journal of engineering

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