Marketing is all about playing with the mind of people and hitting at right time at right place such that the audience perceive things in same way which a marketer want them to. Yes it is true that the real king of market is customer but at the other side, time and technology added with creative competition has raised an immense need of the unit that is set only to think what customer can think next for and always keep company ready before the market can really demand of it. In this regards that unit of marketing and planning plays a great role in present time to transmit and cover minds of its audience with what they want to and how they want to.
This paper will be focusing on the same issue, marketing tools that are all around everyone, near or far in any of the forms in daily basis and directly or indirectly influencing thoughts and actions of people exposed to them. Major objective of this paper will be to analyse efforts of various digital marketing tools in transmitting positive thoughts regarding gender issues and their ways that are assisting in empowering women, changing so called social boundaries and restriction that are set as what women can or cannot do.
Paper will be completely based upon the ideas and opinion generated through a deep study of secondary data available under similar topics in journals, newspapers, research papers, online, etc. paper will try to deal with various marketing tools and their efforts in women' carrier advancement promoting girl education, employment and women empowerment eliminating gender discrimination will also be covered individually and their effectiveness due to digitalization of these tools.
By Bindu Tiwari | Dr Naveen Kumar" A Study on Role of Digital Marketing Tools in Women Education, Employment and Empowerment"
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peer reviewed international journal, ugc journal list, review papers
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