Biochemical Parameters of Blood Cows at Hight and Low Temperatures - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Biochemical Parameters of Blood Cows at Hight and Low Temperatures

Biochemical analysis of blood is a complex laboratory diagnosis conducted to assess the condition of internal organs and systems and to identify the body's need for microelements and the level of its satisfaction. According to the biochemical parameters of the blood composition, primary diagnostics of the functioning of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs is carried out, and data on metabolic processes (lipid, albuminous, carbohydrate metabolisms) are obtained.

High and low temperature have a great influence on the physiological processes in the animals, on their thermal state, health, productive qualities, the use of feed, which ultimately determines the efficiency of the work of livestock farms. Season profoundly affected all biochemistry parameters, possibly due to changes in nutrition and disease exposure. Air temperature affects the heat exchange functions of cows. Adverse effects on the body have both a low and high temperature, and especially its sharp fluctuations. 

Low temperature enhances heat production due to large feed intake by animals, as well as adaptation processes in animals.Biochemical blood tests are very important for the timely diagnosis of various pathological conditions. Currently, veterinary laboratories in the sample of one animal determine several indicators at once, so the introduction of automatic analyzers is of great importance. 

by Ward M. Ashraf | Abuargob M. Omry | Hdud M. Ismail | Elgusbi M. Tarek | Ruban Y. Sergey "Biochemical Parameters of Blood Cows at Hight and Low Temperatures" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018, 


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