Image Processing Application for Vehicle Seat Vacancy Identification - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Sunday, 29 April 2018

Image Processing Application for Vehicle Seat Vacancy Identification

The importance of embedded applications on image and video processing domain has been taking a larger space. The image processing is the study of several algorithms that takes an image as input and returns an image as output. Specially we would like to elaborate our experience on the significance of computer vision as one of the domains where hardware implemented algorithms executes far better than those implemented from end to end software. 

Face detection is becoming one of the maximum interesting topics in the computer vision literature. The survey is directed to examine the face detection techniques. Image processing techniques is very widely held at present-day for face detection and gender detection. In this study, face detection technique is used for detecting and counting the number of passengers in electric vehicle over webcam. The webcam is installed in electric vehicle and attached with Raspberry Pi 2 model B. When electric vehicle run off from the station, webcam will capture passenger's images in the seating area. 

The images will be adjusted and enhanced to decrease the noise which is concluded by software application. The images are sent in the direction of the server by 3G communication. Then and there, the server progression the images by means of face detection technology and counting the number of passengers in electric vehicle. The system gets the supreme amount of passengers in electric vehicle that procedure over the images then evaluates the seat vacancy of the electric vehicle. 

by Nikita A. Rekhate | Dr. V. S. Gulhane "Image Processing Application for Vehicle Seat Vacancy Identification" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018, 


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paper publication for student, peer reviewed journals, open access journal of chemistry

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