Soil stabilization is the process of altering some soil properties by different methods, mechanical or chemical in order to produce an improved soil material which has all the desired engineering properties. Soils are generally stabilized to increase their strength and durability or to prevent erosion and dust formation in soils. The main aim is the creation of a soil material or system that will hold under the design use conditions and for the designed life of the engineering project. The properties of soil vary a great deal at different places or in certain cases even at one place; the success of soil stabilization depends on soil testing.
Various methods are employed to stabilize soil and the method should be verified in the lab with the soil material before applying it on the field.The prime objective of soil stabilization is to improve the California Bearing Ratio of in-situ soils by 4 to 6 times. The other prime objective of soil stabilization is to improve on-site materials to create a solid and strong sub-base and base courses. In certain regions of the world, typically developing countries and now more frequently in developed countries, soil stabilization stabilization is to improve on-site materials to create a solid and strong sub-base and base courses.
In certain regions of the world, typically developing countries and now more frequently in developed countries, soil stabilization is being used to construct the entire road. In the past, soil stabilization was done by utilizing the binding properties of clay soils, cement-based products such as soil cement utilizing the ""rammed earth"" technique (compaction) and lime. Traditionally and widely accepted types of soil stabilization techniques use products such as bitumen emulsions which can be used as a binding agents for producing a road base. However, bitumen is not environmentally friendly and becomes brittle when it dries out.
Portland cement has been used as an alternative to soil stabilization. However, this can often be expensive and is not a very good ""green"" alternative. The prime objective of Soil Stabilization is to improve the California Bearing Ratio of in-situ soils by 4 to 6 times. The other prime objective of soil stabilization is to improve on-site materials to create a solid and strong sub-base and base courses. In certain regions of the world, typically developing countries and now more frequently in developed countries, soil stabilization is being used to construct the entire road.
Originally, soil stabilization was done by utilizing the binding properties of clay soils, cement-based products such as soil cement, and/or utilizing the ""rammed earth"" technique (soil compaction) and lime. Some of the renewable technologies are: enzymes, surfactants, biopolymers, synthetic polymers, co-polymer based products, cross-linking styrene acrylic polymers, tree resins, ionic stabilizers, fiber reinforcement, calcium chloride, calcite, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and more. Some of these new stabilizing techniques create hydrophobic surfaces and mass that prevent road failure from water penetration or heavy frosts by inhibiting the ingress of water into the treated layer.
by Farkhanda Fayaz | Mohd Shoeb Alam "An Experimental Study on Shear Strength of Soil Sub Grade using Cement as Stabilizing Agent"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018,
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call for paper papers in journals, international journals in engineering, economics journal
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