A Study on Differential Socialization of Boys and Girls - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Sunday, 1 April 2018

A Study on Differential Socialization of Boys and Girls

Government of India has been taking care to give equal status to women by enacting laws and by giving equal rights to women. But India is facing the severe problem of uneven ratio of male and female. A strong preference for sons is the root cause behind the uneven ratios, with some parents taking illegal gender tests to abort female foetuses. In much of India, a preference for male children is built into cultural ideology. 

Sons are traditionally viewed as the breadwinners who will carry on the family name and perform the last rites of the parents - an important ritual in many faiths. Girls are often seen as a burden that parents can ill afford, largely due to the dowry of cash and gold jewelry that is required in marriage. The role of parents in upbringing their children and socializing them plays very important role in formation of strong society. 

On this background, researcher felt necessity to examine the role of social institutions in building the attitude and beliefs, How children learn about gender role?. How child rearing and their socialization affects in understanding the gender differences?. The objectives set for the study are: 1. To understand the role of social institutions in child rearing and socializing. 2. To examine whether girls are getting equal treatment from their parents?. 

For the present study, both primary and secondary data are collected. 80 school going girls having one or more brothers are interviewed by adopting snowball sampling method. Simple statistical tool such as percentage is used to analyze and interpret the primary data. 

by Dr. Mrs. Neeta Uday Deshpande "A Study on Differential Socialization of Boys and Girls"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018, 

URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd11479.pdf

Direct Link - http://www.ijtsrd.com/management/equality-diversity-and-inclusion/11479/a-study-on-differential-socialization-of-boys-and-girls/dr-mrs-neeta-uday-deshpande

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