According to 'œholistic' marketing era or call it consumer era which is today known as Modern marketing, everything in marketing matters. Marketing in this era is integrated with all aspects of a company's operations in terms of pricing, production, place of distribution, advertising or promotion so that the company can respond quickly and effectively to changes or opportunities in the marketplace.
In this regard, marketing mix variables should not be underestimated as it may have internal as well as external consequences considering its prominence on consumer behavior which is a symbolic environment in business. Thus, the objective of this research is to study the impact of marketing mix variables on consumer behavior in modern business. Considering the changing nature of consumer behavior regarding their buying decision process, this piece of work will help individual businessmen, organizations or companies and the entire public to establish a trade-off that exists between the marketing mix elements of the company and consumer behavior in this case satisfaction.
The proposed hypothesis in this study stated that marketing mix will have a significant impact on consumer behavior. The sample area of study used was Ombe town which is situated along the Mutengene-Limbe highway of an attitude of about 400-600m above sea level. It is a small but fast growing town in terms of human population, industrial and road network. Random sampling was done with the help of questionnaires as a primary source of data to collect the data used in testing the hypothesis and it was structured to capture the objectives of the research while both the descriptive and inferential statistical method of data analysis was used to analyze the data collected.
The analysis done in the research proved that marketing mix variables have an impact on consumer behavior. The study will enable individual businessmen and companies to integrate marketing mix variables and consumers behavior in making strategic decisions in their organization.
by Etumbih Elvis Akweli | Dr Swati Pandy Mishra "The Impact of Marketing Mix Variables on Consumer Behavior in the Brewery Industry- A Study"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018,
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