Nowadays the vehicle accident rate has been increasing as compared to the previous decade. This system proposes a solution to minimize the action time after an accident. It has the capability of ensuring the driver's safety along with the co-passengers and can easily be integrated with the car. The vehicle is connected to a hardware device that detects the collision with the help of a vibration sensor.
The hardware device also consists of a fire sensor that senses fire breakouts. It communicates with an application in the Smartphone through Zigbee Bluetooth whenever collision or fire is sensed. If the driver doesn't want to communicate any information, he can cancel using the reset switch. Once the Bluetooth connection is established, the application would track and communicate the victim's GPS location along with the patient's entire medical report to their companions as well as the nearest hospital through an SMS.
The application also checks the availability of the blood in the nearest blood bank and sends a notification back as soon as the availability of blood is ensured.
by A. Geetha | Shahanaz Khan N | Sneha Rajagopal | Soundariya B "An IOT based solution for Road Accidents"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018,
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peer reviewed journal, call for paper international journal, economics journal
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