The present paper deals with the static weight loss corrosion studies of Aluminium 2024 metal matrix composites reinforced with fly ash particulates in comparison with matrix alloy using different concentrations of potassium chloride solution.
Matrix alloy used in Aluminium 2024 and the reinforcement used was fly ash particulates. Composites are prepared by liquid melt metallurgy technique method. Fly ash particulates are reinforced by 2,4,6 percent by weight under dry conditions. Specimens are prepared according to ASTM standards.
Both metal matrix composites and corresponding base alloys were subjected to identical test conditions to understand the influence of the reinforcement on alloy with respect to corrosion behaviour and effective corrosion control. Composites show less prone to corrosion and pit formation than the matrix alloy, which may be due to chemically inert fly ash particles present in the metal matrix composites.
On the other hand the test also reveals that corrosion resistance of both alloy and composites increase with increase in exposure time in all concentrations of potassium chloride solution, which may be due to formation of a passive layer on the surfaces of matrix alloy and composites. Corrosion of metal matrix can be effectively controlled by converting them in to composites by the addition of inert and ceramic materials like fly ash particulates.
If any automobile parts like bearing are made using these composites corrosion control properties can be implemented so that they can be used effectively for a long period.
by R. Lakshmi | Dr. .H. R. Radha | Dr. P. V. Krupakara | Latha. V "Corrosion Characterization of Aluminium 2024 Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with Fly Ash in Potassium Chloride Medium"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-2 , February 2018,
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Physical Chemistry, Engineering Journal
Matrix alloy used in Aluminium 2024 and the reinforcement used was fly ash particulates. Composites are prepared by liquid melt metallurgy technique method. Fly ash particulates are reinforced by 2,4,6 percent by weight under dry conditions. Specimens are prepared according to ASTM standards.
Both metal matrix composites and corresponding base alloys were subjected to identical test conditions to understand the influence of the reinforcement on alloy with respect to corrosion behaviour and effective corrosion control. Composites show less prone to corrosion and pit formation than the matrix alloy, which may be due to chemically inert fly ash particles present in the metal matrix composites.
On the other hand the test also reveals that corrosion resistance of both alloy and composites increase with increase in exposure time in all concentrations of potassium chloride solution, which may be due to formation of a passive layer on the surfaces of matrix alloy and composites. Corrosion of metal matrix can be effectively controlled by converting them in to composites by the addition of inert and ceramic materials like fly ash particulates.
If any automobile parts like bearing are made using these composites corrosion control properties can be implemented so that they can be used effectively for a long period.
by R. Lakshmi | Dr. .H. R. Radha | Dr. P. V. Krupakara | Latha. V "Corrosion Characterization of Aluminium 2024 Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with Fly Ash in Potassium Chloride Medium"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-2 , February 2018,
Direct Link -
Physical Chemistry, Engineering Journal
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