The pedogenic carbonates, found mainly in arid and semi-arid regions of the world, are commonly referred to as calcretes or caliche or kankar. These are authigenic carbonate products which occur in association with soil, forming the residual regolith. Many rock types can produce calcretes upon weathering and denudation, but calcrete derived from certain rocks like kimberlite/lamproite acts as an exploration guide.
Calcrete is a prominent sampling medium in diamond-rich countries like Australia and South Africa whereas it has not received popularity in the Indian context. Kimberlites being ultrapotassic in nature and owing to the enrichment of olivine and serpentine often produce calcrete duricrust as a capping. Recently more than twenty lamproites have been discovered in the Telangana state by the Geological Survey of India. These occurrences unravel a new panorama that the state has a substantial potential for occurrence of more kimberlite/lamproite clan rocks.
An attempt has been made here to test the geochemical affinity of calcretes from various locations within Nalgonda district. The geochemical data of calcrete samples of this study has been compared with published geochemical data of lamproites of Ramadugu Field, to understand their geochemical association to kimberlite/lamproite. The calcretes are low in SiO2 (33.92-45.1 wt %), high in K2O (1.07-2.21 wt %) and CaO (0.78-13.61 wt %). When compared to other major elements, MgO displays low concentration. The trace elements are found to be enriched in some of the samples collected in close vicinity of known lamproite occurrences.
The samples show high degree of chemical weathering, alteration and compositional variation indices. It is observed that enrichment of elements like Cr, Nb, Ba, Ti, Zr etc. indicates, similar to parent kimberlite/lamproite rock, favourable targets for further ground exploration in virgin areas. In the present study, two samples, towards five kilometers northeast of Vattikodu Lamproite Field, possess higher concentrations of Nb (>25ppm), Ba (>400 ppm), Zr (>650 ppm) and Ti (>3500 ppm) which stand out as plausible explorable targets for further ground investigations. Further investigations on these two locations are suggested to ascertain whether or not these two targets unveil new kimberlites/lamproite occurrences in the area.
BY P. Ramesh Chandra Phani | M. Srinivas "Calcrete Geochemistry in identifying Kimberlite / Lamproite Exploration Targets -A case study from Nalgonda district, Telangana, southern India"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-2 , February 2018,
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