Route Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Collection in Jabalpur City using ARC GIS - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Friday, 17 November 2017

Route Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Collection in Jabalpur City using ARC GIS

Uncontrolled growth of the urban population in developing countries in recent years has made solid waste management an important issue, so the system for collection of solid waste thus constitutes an important component of an effective solid waste management system.

Waste collection become more complex in developed countries in terms of logistic, fuel , labor cost and air pollutants emission. In this study, solid waste collection routes optimization using Geographical Information System (GIS Arc View) was investigated.

The present route were optimized to reduce the length of the routes and consequently the time taken to complete the collection. The problem of waste collection in Jabalpur city has been considered where sources are dispersed by varied way.

In this work, the waste transportation problem for time and cost effective waste management system design has been carried out. The work proposed a route upgrading associated with the current routes taken by the solid waste collection trucks in the Rampur area (Jabalpur); and shows a better performance in terms of fuel consumption, emissions from the trucks and less operational costs, making it a solution to urban environmental management.

by Sandeep Kumar Gupta | Prof. R. K. Bhatia "Route Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Collection in Jabalpur City using ARC GIS"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-1 , December 2017,


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