œOne Indian Girl' by Chetan Bhagat '“ A Portrayal of a Successful Modern Girl or a Bitter Criticism of Indian Values '“ A Study - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Wednesday, 22 November 2017

œOne Indian Girl' by Chetan Bhagat '“ A Portrayal of a Successful Modern Girl or a Bitter Criticism of Indian Values '“ A Study

Feminism as a movement gained political importance in the twentieth century, making the culmination of two centuries struggle for cultural roles and socio-political rights. Feminism as a movement is about women living on equal terms with men and not pushed down, by law or by culture, into a subservient role.

Post-independence Indian society has witnessed massive mobilization in work field. The constitutional provision of equal rights and privileges for women with men, the five-year plans stressing the vocational and occupational bias in women's education and the modern technological innovations helped in a big way for the professional development of women.

Empowering the woman within this context, goes to subvert the western notion of the third world woman. Chetan Bhagat is seen more as a youth icon than just an author. Chetan also writes opened columns for leading newspapers, focusing on youth and national development. His characters are social rebels and his female protagonists remind us of the female characters of G. B. Shaw for their vitality viz.

Natural female instinct. The place of action of his novels is set in the hustle and bustle of Metropolitan Indian cities. With the growing urbanization and globalization, a number of opportunities have opened up all around. Men and women are no more seen through the old spectacle which marksmen as superior and women as inferior. In this global atmosphere, so far belittled women are given their due place and respect.

With their own intellect and abilities, they are seen to be working shoulder to shoulder with men.

by Dr. Ashwani Rana | Ritika Rana "'œOne Indian Girl' by Chetan Bhagat '“ A Portrayal of a Successful Modern Girl or a Bitter Criticism of Indian Values '“ A Study"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-1 , December 2017,

URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd7013.pdf 

Direct URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/english/7013/'œone-indian-girl'-by-chetan-bhagat-'“-a-portrayal-of-a-successful-modern-girl-or-a-bitter-criticism-of-indian-values-'“-a-study/dr-ashwani-rana

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