FundMount Platform for Crowd-Sourcing: A Web Application - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Friday 29 January 2016

FundMount Platform for Crowd-Sourcing: A Web Application

Crowd-sourcing is process which includes overall population to give seed cash to new recommendation. Crowd-sourcing model comprises three sorts of performers which incorporate venture initiator, people of gatherings and a directing association. The venture initiator brings the new thought to get subsidized, people or gatherings underpins that thought, and directing association which unites parties all to execute thought, and directing association which unites parties all to execute thought. Utilizing crowd-sourcing strategy new pursuits and new entrepreneurs can get the financing to fire up their tasks and actualizes the new thoughts which can be valuable to the overall population or to the organization holders or whatever other endeavors. Crowd-sourcing is the procedure through which the venture holders/proprietors can get funding's from the overall population and actualizes that venture.

By Rohan J. More | Mrutyunjaya S.Emmi" FundMount Platform for Crowd-Sourcing: A Web Application"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-4 , June 2017,

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