International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Environmental Chemistry

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Showing posts with label Environmental Chemistry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environmental Chemistry. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 September 2020

Seasonal Variation in Physico Chemical Parameters of Krishna River Water of Satara District, Maharashtra, India

September 05, 2020 0
Seasonal Variation in Physico Chemical Parameters of Krishna River Water of Satara District, Maharashtra, India

In the present investigation the focus was given on the river water quality for all the necessary parameters. As our selected sampling stations were from rural area of Satara District. The river water was studied for Temperature, pH, DO, BOD, COD, Chloride, Nitrates, Phosphates, Calcium, Magnesium and Hardness, etc. Due to increased population people on the bank of river are using the river water for their daily needs. But now days, it is observed that the river water is having some other objectionable parameters in a river body. It may be due to agricultural run off, domestic wastes and Human unhygienic habits like cattle washing, bathing and washing clothes. For some of the sampling stations river water is objectionable for drinking purposes. Hence, continuous monitoring of river water parameters is required. 

by S. D. Jadhav | M. S. Jadhav "Seasonal Variation in Physico-Chemical Parameters of Krishna River Water of Satara District, Maharashtra, India" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

callforpaperchemistry, chemistryjournal, openaccessjournalofchemistry 

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions and Wastewater using Water Hyacinth Powder

November 09, 2019 0
Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions and Wastewater using Water Hyacinth Powder
The adsorption of heavy metals on water hyacinth powder from both wastewater and aqueous solution was studied using batch experiments. The adsorption efficiency of water hyacinth powder was evaluated in this study. The levels of heavy metals in wastewater were in the range of 1.2 75.3 ppm for lead, 0.4 87.6 ppm for chromium, 0.1 63.5 ppm for nickel, 0.5 95.5 ppm for zinc and 0.8 52.7 ppm for cadmium. The levels of zinc, lead and cadmium were above the limits set by the write NEMA in full then bracket NEMA for discharge into the environment 0.01 ppm for cadmium and lead, 0.5 ppm for zinc . The adsorption efficiency of hyacinth powder was higher in aqueous solution than in wastewater while at low metal concentrations 0.1 3.2 ppm , the adsorption efficiency of water hyacinth powder was 100 in both wastewater and aqueous solution. The study showed that water hyacinth powder is a low cost adsorbent which could be used to remove heavy metals from wastewater and aqueous solution. 

by J. M. Mwaniki | J. O. Onyatta | A. O. Yusuf ""Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions and Wastewater using Water Hyacinth Powder""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019,


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economics journal, best international journal

Friday, 2 August 2019

Analysis of Soil Sample from Phar Ti Ma Chike Village Tract Loikaw Township

August 02, 2019 0
Analysis of Soil Sample from Phar Ti Ma Chike Village Tract Loikaw Township

In this research work, the soil samples were collected from Phar Ti Ma Chike Village Tract Loikaw Township. Soil samples were collected from the upper position near to the surface about 0 10 cm. Physicochemical properties of the soil samples were determined. In physical properties, the moisture and texture of the soil samples were measured by oven drying method and pipette method and then pH value was also measured by pH meter. Furthermore, the major components such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matters of the soil samples were determined for chemical properties. The contents of exchangeable cations such as Ca2 and Mg2 were analysed. 

by Khin Htay Win | Thidar Khaing | Yinn Kay Khaing ""Analysis of Soil Sample from Phar Ti Ma Chike' Village Tract Loikaw Township""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,


Paper URL:

ugc approved science journal, languages journal, research papers

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Solvent Extraction of Neem Oil from Neem Seed for Development of Ecofriendly Pesticides

April 06, 2019 0
Solvent Extraction of Neem Oil from Neem Seed for Development of Ecofriendly Pesticides
The objective of this paper is to study the efficacy of the extraction and isolation of natural toxic constituents present in some well known tree borne oil seeds for effective utilization in pesticide formulations. Neem seed kernels prior to their extraction for oil were pre treated in single stage with different solvents, viz., isopropanol, acetone and ethanol, in pure as well as in aqueous forms. The aqueous ethanol water ethanol 15 85 v v was also employed for three stage counter current pre treatment of neem seed kernels, which gave the best results. Further, development of safer pesticides from natural products has been necessitated due to the fact that synthetic organochlorine and organo phosphorus pesticides have created health hazards to mammals and have polluted the ecosystem. 

by Rita Awasthi | Deepti Shikha "Solvent Extraction of Neem Oil from Neem Seed for Development of Ecofriendly Pesticides"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3, April 2019, 


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Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Effect of Ganesh Idol Immersion on the Water Quality of Gorai Jetty, Mumbai the Environmental Health Perspective

March 12, 2019 0
The Effect of Ganesh Idol Immersion on the Water Quality of Gorai Jetty, Mumbai the Environmental Health Perspective
Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. Various factors play a part in this worrying state of affairs in India, such as dumped industrial and household waste and open defecation. But a surprisingly high level of pollution comes from religious ceremonies. The Ganesh festival is one of the biggest festivals in Mumbai. These idols are made up of non biodegradable materials like plaster of Paris PoP and synthetic paints used are also a major source of contamination and sedimentation. This can pose a serious threat to water quality and the flora and fauna the festival also generates a large amount of holy waste Nirmalya in the form of flowers, decoration materials, oil and other religious offerings. After the festival the Ganesha idols are immersed at the various beaches and lakes and creeks across the Mumbai city. To assess the water quality, the water samples were collected from Gorai creek before and after the Ganapati immersion and analysed for different physico chemical parameters. The parameters like pH, Temperature, DO, COD, Chloride, Sulphate, turbidity etc. were studied to find out the effect of idol immersion on quality of water. It has been observed that the values of some parameters were significantly increased during the immersion period and then declined in the post immersion period. 

by Dr. Pradnya A. Lokhande "The Effect of Ganesh Idol Immersion on the Water Quality of Gorai Jetty, Mumbai - the Environmental Health Perspective"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019,


Paper URL:

call for paper commerce, ugc approved journals in commerce, commerce journal

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Biosorption of Copper (II) Ions by Eclipta Alba Leaf Powder from Aqueous Solutions

August 14, 2018 0
Biosorption of Copper (II) Ions by Eclipta Alba Leaf Powder from Aqueous Solutions
The removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater is of great concern as heavy metals are non-biodegradable, toxic elements that cause serious health problems if disposed of in the surrounding environment. The present study, Karisalangkani (Eclipta Alba) leaves were used for the adsorption of heavy metals like copper (Cu (II)) ions. The bio sorbent was characterized using SEM and BET analysis. The bio sorption experiments are conducted through batch system. 

The operating parameters studied were initial metal ion concentration, adsorbent dosage, initial solution pH, contact time and effect of temperature Adsorption equilibrium is achieved in 30 min and the adsorption kinetics of Cu (II) is found to follow a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Equilibrium data for Cu (II) adsorption are fitted well by Langmuir isotherm model. The maximum adsorption capacity for Cu (II) ions is estimated to be 9.2 mgg at 25 °C. The experimental result shows that the materials have good potential to remove heavy metals from effluent and good potential as an alternate low cost adsorbent. Due to their outstanding adsorption capacities, Eclipta Alba is excellent sorbents for the removal of copper (II) ions. 

By B. Kavitha | R. Arunadevi" Biosorption of Copper (II) Ions by Eclipta Alba Leaf Powder from Aqueous Solutions" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,

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call for paper chemistry, ugc approved journals for chemistry, chemistry journal

Friday, 18 May 2018

Arsenic Contamination of Ground water and Health Risk by Sanjay Kumar Verma | Dr. Ajay Kr. Upadhyay

May 18, 2018 0
Arsenic Contamination of Ground water and Health Risk by Sanjay Kumar Verma | Dr. Ajay Kr. Upadhyay
The arsenic poisoning due to contaminated groundwater in West Bengal, India, and all of Bangladesh has been thought to be limited to the Ganges Delta despite early survey reports of arsenic contamination in groundwater in the Union Territory of Chandigarh and its surroundings in the northwestern Upper Ganga Plain and recent findings in the Terai area of Nepal. Groundwater arsenic contamination and sufferings of people have been reported in 20 countries in different parts of the world. The magnitude is considered highest in five Asian countries and the severity is in order of Bangladesh>India>Mangolia>China>Taiwan. 

In all these countries, more and more groundwater withdrawal is taking place because of increase in agricultural irrigation. In India Maximum arsenic content was observed in bhojpur (bihar),. The groundwater of Bihar states is affected with arsenic contamination. A long-term environmental planning is essential to blunt the danger from such pollution. Analyses of the arsenic content of 206 tube wells showed that 56.8% exceeded arsenic concentrations of 55 micro g/L, with 19.9% > 300 micro g/L, the concentration predicting overt arsenical skin lesions. 

On medical examination of a self-selected sample of 150 person, 13% of the adults and 6.3% of the children had typical skin lesions, an unusually high involvement for children, except in extreme exposures combined with malnutrition. The urine, hair, and nail concentrations of arsenic correlated significantly with drinking water arsenic concentrations up to 1,648 micro g/L. On neurologic examination, arsenic-typical neuropathy was diagnosed in 65% of the adults, a prevalence previously seen only in severe, subacute exposures. We also observed an apparent increase in fetal loss and premature delivery in the women with the highest concentrations of arsenic in their drinking water. 

The possibility of contaminated groundwater at other sites in the Middle and Upper Ganga Plain merits investigation. Arsenic poisoning culminates into potentially fatal diseases like skin and internal cancers. This paper reviews sources, speciation, and mobility of Arsenic and global overview of groundwater contamination. The critically reviews the Arsenic led human health risks, its uptake, metabolism, and toxicity mechanisms. Our research provides an overview of the state-of-the-art knowledge on the alternative Arsenic free drinking water and various technologies (oxidation, coagulation flocculation, adsorption, and microbial) for mitigation of the problem of As contamination of groundwater. 

By Sanjay Kumar Verma | Dr. Ajay Kr. Upadhyay" Arsenic Contamination of Ground water and Health Risk" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018, 


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peer reviewed journal, call for paper international journal, paper publication in science
