International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Diversity and Inclusion

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Showing posts with label Diversity and Inclusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diversity and Inclusion. Show all posts

Monday, 7 September 2020

A Comparative Study on Mutual Funds

September 07, 2020 0
A Comparative Study on Mutual Funds

Indian Mutual Fund industry offers a plethora of schemes and serves broadly all type of investors. The range of products includes equity funds, debt, liquid, gilt and balanced funds. There are also meant exclusively for young and old, small and large investors. Moreover, the setup of a legal structure, which has enough teeth to safeguard investor’s interest, ensures that the investors are not cheated out of their hard earned money. All in all, benefits provided by them cut across the boundaries of investor category and thus create for them, a universal appeal. In view of the growing competition in the Mutual Funds industry, it was felt necessary to study the investors orientation towards Mutual Funds i.e. their pattern of risk apatite and preferences in various schemes, plans and options in order to providing a better service. 

by N. Sai Kumar | Dr. P. Jayarami Reddy "A Comparative Study on Mutual Funds" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

callforpaperpapersconference, highimpactfactor, manuscriptpublication

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

A Study on Performance of Mutual Funds

August 25, 2020 0
A Study on Performance of Mutual Funds

 The Indian Corporate sector is facing the challenge in commensuration of the risk involved with the expected level of the return. In this scenario of fluctuating capital market, the risk level never payoff with the returns. Mutual funds mobilise the savings of the people and channelise it to the money and capital market. One of the main advantages of mutual funds over any other investment to small investor is that they give small investors access to professionally managed, diversified portfolio of equities, bonds and other securities, which is rather impossible for a small investor to create with a small amount of capital he she owns. Mutual funds constitute a very important component of the capital market in developed countries and are now becoming vibrant in emerging markets like India. In But there being so many mutual fund companies offering similar plans that an investor needs to be careful regarding his her investment adjust by not picking up the right company he may land up losing some bucks that may have earned by investing in the right company. 

by C. Jagadeesh | Dr. P. Basaiah "A Study on Performance of Mutual Funds" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, 


Paper Url :

ugcapprovedmanagementjournal, openaccessjournalofmanagement, paperpublicationinmanagement

A Study on Portfolio Management

August 25, 2020 0
A Study on Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management is a very generic term used to refer to the management of different assets. In the financial markets, there are many assets available, such as stocks, bonds, and Treasury bill, commodities, currencies. etc., The main objective of portfolio management is to maximize the return and minimize the risk for that one should do the process of selection of portfolio, analysis of portfolio, revision of portfolio and evaluation of portfolio from time to time. India is developing country in which stock market is growing day by day. Indian stock markets have attracted huge Foreign Institutional Investors FII that is nearly 40 of investment. The study is to analysis risk, return of the selected to stocks, showing the best combination of portfolio using beta, sharp index value. 

by V. Gajendra Yadav | Dr. P. Basaiah "A Study on Portfolio Management" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, 


Paper Url :

peerreviewedjournals, reviewpapers, callforpaperhealthscience

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Diversity Management and Employee Engagement A Comparative Analysis of Tertiary Institutions In North Central Nigeria

March 01, 2020 0
Diversity Management and Employee Engagement A Comparative Analysis of Tertiary Institutions In North Central Nigeria

Diversity brings multi ethnic, multi racial and multi cultural perspective to organizations because the concept creates awareness of diverse populations both in workplaces and commercial markets. Broadly view, the objective of the study is to investigate if there are any significant differences of diversity management on Employees Engagement in Nigerian Universities. Specifically, the study is ought to explore the differences in the Nature of Relationship between Cultural Synergy and Employees Promotion among Universities in North Central Nigeria. A survey design was employed and the population comprises of Nine 9 selected universities that cut across the three 3 states under study. However, a sample size of 399 was determined using Taro Yamane sample size technique. Equality allocation format is shared among the three states under study hence 133 copies of questionnaires are distributed among each state. In return, 378 copies of questionnaire representing 95 of it is filled, returned and therefore used for the entire analysis. Descriptive statistics was use to test the mean differences while Kruskal Wallis test was used to test the hypotheses. Findings reviewed that all the significance levels are within 1 , indicating that there is no significant difference in the nature of relationship between cultural synergy and employee promotion. It was recommended that universities in the north central can be compared towards cultural synergy and employees’ promotions are guided by the same principles. This by implication implies that universities has standard of operations which are put into practice be it public or privates since they are being control by a central body called the National University Commission and public employments are still being controlled by the character commission. 

by Nnabuife Ezimma K. | Madu Ikemefuna ""Diversity Management and Employee Engagement: A Comparative Analysis of Tertiary Institutions In North Central Nigeria""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,


Paper Url :

internationaljournalsofcomputerscience, callforpapercomputerscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforcomputerscience 

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Stressed Assets Effect on Post Merger Scheduled Commercial Banks in India

February 19, 2020 0
Stressed Assets Effect on Post Merger Scheduled Commercial Banks in India
bankruptcy code as the focal point in pursuit of declogging of bank's balance sheets from overhang of stressed assets. Going forward, issues such as recapitalization, improvement in banks' corporate governance, implementation of Ind AS and containment of cybersecurity risks may assume prominence. Indian banks will continue to face deterioration in their non performing assets NPAs or bad loans due to the current economic conditions in the current fiscal year 2019 20 . The gross non performing assets GNPAs plus restructured standard advances in the banking system remained elevated at 12.1 percent of gross advances at end March 2018. Going forward, the stress tests carried out by the Reserve Bank suggest that under the baseline assumption of the current economic situation prevailing, the GNPA ratio of scheduled commercial banks SCBs may increase further in 2018 19."" The aggregate gross NPAs of SCBs increased primarily as a result of this transparent recognition of stressed assets as NPAs, from Rs 3,23,464 Crore, as on March 31, 2015, to Rs 10,35,528 crore, as on March 31, 2018. 

by Dr. S. Gautami | Dr. Nalla Bala Kalyan ""Stressed Assets Effect on Post Merger Scheduled Commercial Banks in India""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperphysics, physicsjournal

Friday, 11 October 2019

A Study for Developing a Microfinance Product in India

October 11, 2019 0
A Study for Developing a Microfinance Product in India
Microfinance is a sort of banking services given to people1 with low income, who generally would have no different access to financial services. The objective of Microfinance is to eventually offer the individuals the chance of being financially free. Numerous individuals look to family, companions, or even credit sharks for assistance. Microfinance enables people to assume financial services securely, and in a way that is reliable with moral lending practices. The researcher after analyzing the research papers, have found that the Microfinance has a long way to go. Microfinance plays a key role in the lives of the individual with low income by giving him access to the capital. India is a developing country and still it faces the problem of poverty and Microfinance can help India curb Poverty2 issues. This topic has been chosen by the researcher to study various aspects of Microfinance within the Indian boundaries like, how it can provide sustainable solutions to people with lower income, how it can encourage savings and investments within the community and how it can offer economic gains even after the income levels remain same. The research design included conducting interviews, carrying out survey about Microfinance and its products, and using the secondary sources to meet the objectives of the research. Grounded Theory Analysis has been us
ed by the researcher to analyze the data. The research may provide the readers, insights on what more is needed to spread the impact of Microfinance. The research will investigate the benefits of collaborating Microfinance with Stock Market and Health Insurance. The research proposes three financial products, which can attract the poor and thus satisfy the ultimate objective of Financial Inclusion. Cost of providing the services remains bottleneck of most of the Microfinance Enterprises. This study only deals with the necessary aspects3 of services and products required to help people raise their standard of living. Further there is a scope to carry out research on risks associated with Microfinance enterprises and its products and finding out ways to curb those risks.

by Tejas Sanjay Lad | Prof. Pallavi Rahul Gedamkar "A Study for Developing a Microfinance Product in India"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , October 2019,


Paper URL:

international journal of management, call for paper technology, ugc listed journals

Friday, 15 March 2019

A Study on Moving Average of Selected Stocks in Banking Sector using Technical Analysis

March 15, 2019 0
A Study on Moving Average of Selected Stocks in Banking Sector using Technical Analysis

The study is about analysis of moving average of shares in banking sector by using technical analysis. The technical analysis shows the turning points, which predicts when to buy or sell the stock. This paper helps to know which bank performs better compared to other banks based on the price fluctuation by using technical analysis. 

By Mr. Krishnat H. Chougale "A Study on Moving Average of Selected Stocks in Banking Sector using Technical Analysis"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | Fostering Innovation, Integration and Inclusion Through Interdisciplinary Practices in Management , March 2019,


Paper URL:

ugc listed journals, ugc approved journals with low publication fees, ugc approved journal
