The aim of the present research is to study the career development for working women. Experiences over the life course by analysing career growth and development, career beliefs and norms. This paper focusing on effectiveness of career growth and development for working women in educational institution. Most of the working women facing the problem are definitely common, like mental and physical stress, lack of proper balance between employment and family care, unfair treatment in the workplace, stressful life and workplace discrimination etc. Work life family preference and many women seek uphold from the spouse, family, colleagues, environmental issues and etc. For this purpose primary data for the research is collected with the help of questionnaire and secondary data collected through several factors identified while reviewing the literature, books, online journals, project reports and internet. The results of the study showed that the different age group of working women had different kinds of problems and challenges and different categories as married, single, have different issues at monetarily in the workplace. This all creates big impact of career growth and development and it in turn a challenge for women's career.
by Dr. V. M. Anitha Rajathi | C. Priyanka ""A Study on Career Development for Working Women with Special Reference to Educational Institutes""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,
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callforpapersocialscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforsocialscience, socialsciencejournal