Current days, banking industry is generating large amount of data. Already, most banks have failed to utilize this data. However, nowadays, banks have starts using this data to reach their main objectives of marketing. By using this data, many secrets can be discovering like money movements, thefts, failure. This paper aims to find out how big data analytics can be used in banking sector to find out spending patterns of customer, sentiment and feedback analysis etc. Big data analytics can aid banks in understanding customer behavior based on the inputs receive from their investment patterns, shopping trends, motivation to invest and personal or financial backgrounds. This data plays a necessary role in leading customer loyalty by designing personalized banking solutions for them.
by Gagana H. S | Roja H.
N | Gouthami H. S "A Survey on Bigdata Analytics using in Banking Sectors"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,
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