International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Anatomy

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Showing posts with label Anatomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anatomy. Show all posts

Monday, 6 September 2021

Occipital Knob Morphological Variations in Human Dried Skulls and Clinical Perspectives

September 06, 2021 0
Occipital Knob Morphological Variations in Human Dried Skulls and Clinical Perspectives
Prominent external occipital protuberance is called occipital knob or spur or occipital bun. Though it was a persistent feature of early modern Europeans, it is extremely rare in the present modern era. Occipital spur was found to be one of the characteristic features of the ancestral Neanderthal trait. Variant anatomy of occipital region forms differential diagnosis in conditions associated with unexplained occipital pain. The present study has been done to evaluate the different morphological forms of occipital knobs. 56 skulls including partial and complete skulls were examined in the department of Anatomy. Broken and incomplete skulls were excluded from the study. 5 8.92 skulls were found to exhibit different forms of occipital knobs. 3 skulls had type 1 flat occipital knob. Type 2 crest and type 3 spine variants have been observed in one skull each. An inca bone was found coincidentally in a skull with flat type of occipital knob which also had three accessory emissary foramina located near foramen magnum. The skull with crest type of occipital knob had two accessory emissary foramina at the external occipital crest and near foramen magnum. Knowledge of variant occipital knobs is an example of application of basic sciences in clinical correlation, one of the goals of the new competency based medical education. Though asymptomatic, discomfort in the occipital region due to occipital spur has to be notified in the differential diagnosis. When symptomatic it could be one of the etiology of occipital headache, mandating surgical excision. To conclude, our study presents occipital knob which is a rare variant of occipital bone near external occipital protuberance that exhibited three forms flat, crest and spine. Coincidentally inca bone and accessory emissary foramina near foramen magnum also have been observed. 
by Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Occipital Knob-Morphological Variations in Human Dried Skulls and Clinical Perspectives" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021, 

Monday, 26 July 2021

Reporting a Giant Diaphyseal Nutrient Foramen in a Dried Right Femur

July 26, 2021 0
Reporting a Giant Diaphyseal Nutrient Foramen in a Dried Right Femur

Nutrient foramen convey the vascular supply to the long bones. Anomalies in the morphology of nutrient foramen is crucial in understanding bone pathologies and operative procedures. Though extensive research has been done on the morphology and morphometry of normal nutrient foramina, literature was scanty on the abnormal nutrient foramen on femur. The present study reports a giant diaphyseal nutrient foramen encountered in a dried right femur. On routine observation of dried femora from the department of anatomy, one right sided femur exhibited an abnormal nutrient foramen in the shaft over the linea aspera. It measured 4.2 x 1.3 cms. The foramen was continued as a canal on the exterior of the bone near the upper end of linea aspera. The foramen proper had a radius of 1.4cms. Photographs were taken. All other foramina were found to be normal. The nutrient artery might be enlarged enormously while passing through this foramen converting it into a canal on the exterior itself. Understanding such anomalies is essential in dealing with conditions like micro vascular bone graft or internal fixation or fracture healing or non union or malunion as these are dependant on proper blood supply to the bone. The abnormal nutrient foramen may cause disturbances in the blood flow. The present study reports a rare anomaly of nutrient foramen over the linea aspera of a right sided femur. 

by Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. Ravi Sunder "Reporting a Giant Diaphyseal Nutrient Foramen in a Dried Right Femur" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42607.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.commedicine/anatomy/42607/reporting-a-giant-diaphyseal-nutrient-foramen-in-a-dried-right-femur/dr-neelima-p

internationaljournalsofcomputerscience, callforpapercomputerscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforcomputerscience 

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Carotid Artery Syndrome Associated with Anomalies of Middle Cranial Fossa Foramina Encountered in a Dried Human Skull

April 18, 2021 0
Carotid Artery Syndrome Associated with Anomalies of Middle Cranial Fossa Foramina Encountered in a Dried Human Skull

Intracranial course of the internal carotid artery is complicated where the lacerum segment and cavernous segment are prone for compression due to anatomical variations in the middle cranial fossa. The present study reports anomalies encountered in middle cranial fossa which may lead to carotid artery syndrome. On routine examination of dried human skulls from the department of Anatomy, one skull was found to have anomalies in the middle cranial fossa. The foramen ovale was incomplete on right side and was found to be merged with incomplete foramen spinosum and both foramina were communicating with foramen lacerum. On the left side in the middle cranial fossa, a caroticoclinoid foramen was observed with ossification of carotico clinoid ligament. These entities may lead to carotid artery syndrome and other neurological complications. Carotico clinoid foramen and ossified carotico clinoid ligament may be congenital leading to ischemia or hemorrhagic changes in the brain due to carotid artery syndrome. Excision of carotico clinoid ligament could be the treatment in such cases. Hence, knowledge regarding the anatomical anomalies in the middle cranial fossa is of paramount importance to the neurosurgeons and radiologists in dealing with such rare syndromes. The present study reports anomalies in the middle cranial fossa encountered in a dried human skull. 

by Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Carotid Artery Syndrome Associated with Anomalies of Middle Cranial Fossa Foramina Encountered in a Dried Human Skull" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-3 , April 2021, 


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callforpaperlifesciences, lifesciencesjournal, researchpapers

Friday, 12 June 2020

Interactivity in Goodsalls Rule and Fistula in ano

June 12, 2020 0
Interactivity in Goodsalls Rule and Fistula in ano
Fistula in ano is a tract lined by granulation tissue which opens deeply in the anal canal or rectum and superficially on the skin around the anus. Managing fistula in ano is a challenging task. Because recognizing the internal opening and cause of the fistula tract is difficult. Both external and internal openings of the fistula tract are essential for the complete identification of the tract. The purpose of the present study was to study the relevance between Goodsalls rule and course of the fistula tract. A sample of 106 patients with simple fistula was studied. In this study Hydrogen Peroxide was injected by using syringe through the external opening of the fistula and seenthe appearance of air bubbles which are come out from the internal opening. The site and number of internal and external openings and the course of the tract were recorded. The median age of the participants was 37 years. The majority were male 57.54 . Thirty one point one percent 31.1 showed intersphincteric fistula, 51.8 showed transphincteric fistula and 16.9 had superficial fistula. The overall predictive accuracy of Goodsalls rule in studied group was 68.3 . It is significantly associated with the type of fistula. The high predictive accuracy in superficial fistula 94.4 , intersphincteric fistula 84.4 and transphicteric fistula 69.09 were observed. It was concluded that, Goodsalls rule was not accurate in 31.7 of all fistulae it can be used as a guide in locating the course of the tract and the internal opening. 

by Samaranayake G. V. P | Chandimal K. M ""Interactivity in Goodsalls' Rule and Fistula-in-ano""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


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peerreviewedjournals, reviewpapers, callforpaperhealthscience

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

A Review on Genetic Dominant Disorder-Polydactyly

January 15, 2019 0
A Review on Genetic Dominant Disorder-Polydactyly
Polydactyly is genetic disorder in which there is mutation of gene that is located on short arm of chromosome 7. One gene that can cause polydactyly is GLI3 and it is one among number of genes that are known to be involved in the patterning of tissues and organs during development of the embryo. Mutations of GLI3 gene during development will cause two types of polydactyly. Those are postaxial ulnar and preaxial radial polydactyly. The treatment plan is based on the outcome of analysis of patient's medical history, social history, motivation, social and psychological disturbance. 

by Akshata. B. Kichadi | Dr. Uma B Gopal | Santhosh Singarapu | Chaitra. S | Manukrishnan. K | Jeevankumar. Giri "A Review on Genetic Dominant Disorder-Polydactyly" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-2 , February 2019, 


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Thursday, 16 August 2018

Mixed Nodular Liver Cirrhosis:A Case Report

August 16, 2018 0
Mixed Nodular Liver Cirrhosis:A Case Report
Cirrhosis of the liver is a diffuse disease, involves entire liver. The prevalence of Cirrhosis increasing globally. Every year approximately 10 lack patients are newly diagnosed in India. The common causes are Chronic Hepatitis C and Alcohol-related liver disease. Patients with compensated cirrhosis may present with non-specific symptoms or may be asymptomatic. 

It is associated with the several complications, which have serious effect on health and prognosis of the disease. The end-stage of cirrhosis is irreversible and liver transplantation is the only definitive management. This is a case of liver cirrhosis observed in a 70 years old male cadaver during routine dissection in the department of Anatomy. It highlights about a mixed nodular cirrhosis of liver. The Knowledge of liver cirrhosis is important for General physicians, Radiologist and Surgeons. 

By Dr. Jyoti Umarji | Dr. Shobha G | Dr. Vislavath Srikanth" Mixed Nodular Liver Cirrhosis:A Case Report" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,

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Friday, 10 August 2018

Solitary Simple Renal Cyst: A Case Report

August 10, 2018 0
Solitary Simple Renal Cyst: A Case Report
Solitary simple renal cyst is a cystic disease of kidney, incidentally found during routine abdominal imaging, dissection and autopsy without clinical significance. The prevalence of solitary renal cyst is increasing progressively with age, especially in the elderly population. These are asymptomatic but clinical features may result from rupture, haemorrhage or due to infection. 

Approximately 6% of solitary cysts are complicated by haemorrhage. Early diagnosis and careful follow-up prevents complications. Cystic diseases of kidney are common, since many of these have effect on renal function, careful documentation is necessary. We describe cases of solitary renal cysts observed in a 70year old female and 55year male cadavers during routine dissection in the department of Anatomy. 

By Vislavath Srikanth | Anju Thomas | Jyoti Umarji" Solitary Simple Renal Cyst: A Case Report" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,

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