Since globalization, technological changes and advancement in business, global business practices are in demand of various abilities and skills of leaders and innovative leadership styles. Before COVID 19 Pandemic businesses were growing rapidly and concerned about the skills and future abilities of leaders. To compete in the market they need to change according to circumstances. In the business, it is mandatory to make ready employees as leaders at every place of business. There is a need to decentralize the business. Thus, these leaders can be called ” ˜global ready leader’. Due to COVID 19 outbreak business again understands the importance of ” ˜global ready leader’ in a new form. Global leaders are facing challenges to facilitate the synthesis of divergent viewpoints across the world. We are in the knowledge era, thus it necessary to give knowledge about the business and disseminate information easily and quickly to the customers as well as employees. Most organizations are working on the internet, smartphones and other new technologies. This new realm of the organization is dependent on the employees and their competencies. Leaders need to be trained from time to time as they cannot be trained overnight. In the globalized business market developing global leadership is the key to success. Organizations are preparing strategies, innovative processes to reach business across various countries. This research paper stresses the challenges facing by leaders in the global arena due to COVID 19 Pandemic. This paper also highlights the change in leadership in the pre and post COVID 19 Pandemic.
by Dr. Teena Mishra "Challenges of Global Leaders with Special Reference to Covid-19 Virus Outbreak"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020,
callforpaperchemistry, chemistryjournal, openaccessjournalofchemistry